Heavy fighting in Somalia after al-Shabaab militants target military base FRANCE 24 English 11:41 6 years ago 73 015 Далее Скачать
Kenya and Somalia join forces to fight Islamic militants euronews 0:21 13 years ago 2 100 Далее Скачать
Militant Somalia: The Fight Against al Shabaab (Trailer) VICE News 1:06 10 years ago 59 114 Далее Скачать
Somalia: New police, intelligence chiefs to lead fight against militants CGTN Africa 2:35 6 years ago 1 742 Далее Скачать
UN Warns of Potential Spread of Militant Fighters in Somalia CGTN Africa 2:22 10 years ago 194 Далее Скачать
Fighting Al-Shabaab: Former militant commander defects to Somali authorities CGTN Africa 2:17 7 years ago 1 164 Далее Скачать
Somalia security cameras aim to cut al Shabaab attacks | REUTERS Reuters 2:16 1 month ago 64 186 Далее Скачать
Somali militants accuse 6 men of espionage, including two Kenyans CGTN Africa 9:47 8 years ago 8 246 Далее Скачать
Religious scholars show support for Somalia's government fight against al-Shabaab CGTN Africa 2:52 1 year ago 1 229 Далее Скачать
Inside Al Shabaab: The extremist group trying to seize Somalia Channel 4 News 13:56 2 years ago 4 886 169 Далее Скачать
Militant group Al Shabaab attacks army base in Somali KTN News Kenya 1:52 8 years ago 78 330 Далее Скачать
Al-Shabaab militants attack Somali military base, kill at least 15 africanews 1:00 7 years ago 3 948 Далее Скачать